Client Testimonials
" I am so glad I took the leap and booked a reading with Denea!
I felt a deep resonance with her insights from the get-go. There was such an organic flow to our session that covered topics from relationship guidance to health advice.
Denea was also able to convey profound messages from my sibling who passed away tragically.
The experience brought tears to my eyes...it was incredibly powerful yet heartfelt and down-to-earth.
Denea operates from so much integrity and sensitivity when conducting her readings, it feels like talking to a trusted friend. I wholeheartedly recommend Denea’s work to anyone in search of clarity and healing.
Thank you Denea for sharing your talents with the world! "
Tai, NJ
Ellie, CA
" Listen, when I got a reading from Denea, I didn't know Denea. As soon as I met her on Zoom, Oh I loved her!
I have been around a lot of psychics, but there's only a very small handful of Psychic's that I trust. There's only so many Psychic's that I can really believe, see and feel that they are coming from--not sketchy negative place/energy-- but are coming from the light, and Denea is one of those Psychic's.
She's the real deal.
She gave me a reading that blew my head off in so many facets and in so many ways. She gave me so many beautiful answers and openings to go deeper within myself.
To heal more, to see things that were in my blind spots.
If there's anyone that you should get a reading from it's Denea.
She's incredibly down to Earth, and cool, and the way that she gives the reading is just so so good.
Book a reading with Denea,
I highly, HIGHLY recommend her."
Ellie, CA
Claire, Castlerock Co
" Oh my god I don't even know where to start with Denea! Aside from being such a genuine, kind human and role model, she is an incredible psychic!! She answered questions for me I didn't even know I had. Things had been feeling off in our house lately and without ever seeing our house she was able to describe a piece of furniture and where it was in the house and identify it as the problem and what was attached to it causing the issues. She described my dog and told me what was going on with her before I even mentioned it or showed a picture of my dog. She amazed me with everything she said and she was kind and understanding throughout the entire experience. I seriously cannot recommend her enough and will definitely be back to see her! "
Blog Article written by Lindsey from
Mind Body Spirit Expo
Psychic-Mediums: How a Reading can Truly Be Considered Holistic Healthcare
"My Experience With Denea"
" Psychic readings have long been viewed with a mixture of fascination and skepticism. However, my recent experince with psychic medium Denea transformed my perception, revealing how psychic readings can be a crucial part of holistic healthcare. I want to share a little bit about my deeply personal reading with Denea and explore how her Psychic abilities extend beyond intuition into a realm that genuinely promotes healing and well-being.As soon as I met Denea, I was greeted by her warm, calming energy. Her presence instantly made me feel at ease, and I knew I was in good hands. Denea jumped right into the reading, and for the next 45 minutes, I felt like I was being guided through a journey that brought deep clarity and understanding to so many aspects of my life-past and present. We explored everything from my childhood to my relationships, health and even issues from my time in utero. I won't share too many personal details, as readings with a psychic medium are highly individualized, but Denea was shockingly accurate. At one point, a statement she made sent chills through my entire body-it was as though she had tapped into my very soul. The beauty of Denea's work is that while she offers insights based Ono what you ask, she also brings forward revelations that you didn't even know you needed. In my case her guidance on gut health (something she couldn't have possibly known I was struggling with) was spot on. Her suggestions, rom dietary adjustments to emotional healing exercises, significantly improved my symptoms. As our session concluded, I felt a sense of lightness and inspiration that lingered for days. Her recommendations for further healing, including inner child work and trauma-release exercises, felt like actionable steps toward a more aligned version of myself. The reading wasn't just an experience- it felt like healthcare for my mind, body, and spirit."
Why Psychic Readings are Holistic Healthcare
" For those unfamiliar with Psychic readings, the idea of considering them as "Holistic Healthcare" might seem far-fetched. However, after my experince with Denea, it became clear that Psychic readings can be life-altering in ways that go beyond mere entertainment. A psychic reading touches on every aspect of who you are- your emotional health, you're mental well-being, your physical state, and even your spiritual journey. When a reading is conducted by someone like Denea, who uses multiple techniques, the experience becomes far more then a conversation, it's a healing session. Denea's passion is rooted in helping individuals see the bigger picture of their lives. She integrates her psychic abilities to reveal how past experiences, including karmic and soul contracts, impact present challenges. Her approach aligns perfectly with holistic healthcare, as it treats the individual as a whole rather than compartmentalizing their issues. As I reflect on my time with Denea, I can confidently say that psychic readings can offer much more than insights-they can lead to profound healing. I highly recommend Denea if you're seeking clarity, direction or simply want to feel seen and understood. A reading with her can truly open new pathways towards new healings. Holistic healthcare is about nurturing the body, mind, spirit and psychic mediums like Denea offer a unique and powerful way to do just that. The experience is personal, transformative and, in many ways, the ultimate act to self-care."
Author - Holistic Living Insider - Lindsay
Tracey, Co
" I wasn't sure what to expect when I booked a session with Denea, but I had a strong intuitive feeling it would be worthwhile--and I was right. Denea has an incredible ability to get straight to the heart of your questions and customizes her readings to fit your specific needs. During my session, she touched on both fertility and my professional trajectory, and she was spot on with everything I was feeling and the direction I needed to take. Denea's fun and inviting personality made the experience even better, and she generously provided a wealth of resources to help me continue on my healing journey. I highly recommend her for anyone seeking clarity and guidance. "
(name hidden due to private medical conditions being discussed)
" I wanted to share that during my reading, Denea had mentioned that she saw a polyp inside of my uterus and recommended that I have a doctor take a look at it. I was unaware of this until she did a full body scan on me with zero equipment, just using her psychic abilities and her ability to see energies in profound ways.
When I scheduled an appointment with my doctor, sure enough, I had a polyp that has to be removed.
Denea was so spot on! She also mentioned that in my near future I was going to cut the cord with my current job, and I did just that last week!
I am officially stepping down from my management position, and it feels so freeing. "
Wilma, Denver
“I came to Denea at the most vulnerable time of my life and it was one of the best decisions I have ever made. She provided insight and clarity with incredible accuracy. She has an impressive ability to not only read for you, but provide the why behind what is happening and what will happen. She delivers the information with grace and warmth. I always walk away from our time together feeling full of love and definitely empowered. I always describe our sessions as a mix of reading and therapy with a good friend who is your #1 cheerleader and never judges you. I don't really know that I could navigate this phase of my life without her gift and support. Seriously, if you're curious or looking for a reading for fun or to help provide some clarity, Denea is by far the best."
Harkiran, UK
""Where do I begin... what was only a 30 minute experience turned out to be an eye opener on my whole life and beyond. Denea has such a kind and comforting nature. I felt instantly drawn into her calming energy. Denea immediately made me aware that it was my time to ask any questions I had so that she could answer them fully before telling me anything that was coming through for me. I was grateful for this because I felt seen and heard. She validated so many things I had in my mind and answered questions I feared were mere musings of the heart. We spoke about generational trends playing out in my life that had effects on my career and relationships and how to overcome this. Everything made sense to me and I felt I could go away and work on things based on what we had talked about.
I cannot recommend enough booking a session with Denea. She is someone who on first meeting genuinely wants to help you and sees the best in you. Her calming and kind energy makes you feel safe to ask anything you wish and her answers to questions are honest. The 30 minuted flies by in an instant but it is worth the time.
Thank you Denea for doing what you do x "
Kara, Castle Pines, Co
“Denea is one of the most gifted readers I've encountered. She is truly Special! I felt a pull towards her and I'm so glad I got a session with her. She was so spot on with so many things, and best of all - I left feeling relieved, excited, hopeful an with lots of clarity. It's special people like Denea that are guideposts, lighting up things that we need to hear or remember.. that make a huge impact on us and our lives. Thank you Denea for being you and sharing your gifts with the world! Can't wait for another session soon!
XO Kara ”
Renata, Canada
" I was impressed with how Denea does her psychic readings. Instead of giving me vague predictions, she really connected with my energy and shared deeps insights into things that I didn’t even know I needed to hear. She’s got this cool mix of psychic tools and approaches that makes her session totally unique. Plus, she’s just a genuine and down-to-earth person, so talking to her is like chatting with a friend. If you’re on the lookout for a psychic who’s open, real, and brings a fresh perspective, Denea is your go-to. My only request is that you come with an open mind and leave your agenda at the door. Be open to hearing what you need to hear versus what you want to hear."
"While Denea uses her psychic ability to explore issues, she also offers practical tools and helpful suggestions, that are appropriate, such as relevant questions to ask and explore, gemstones to work with, books to read, specific actions for protection, and has given insights that apply practical ways of life."
- Colorado
Robert, Colorado
“My reading with Denea was very helpful, because she was able to see the real me, beneath the veil of forgetfulness. Because of that, I feel like a path has been cleared for me to live in my potential. So, just to be able to sit across from Denea and be seen, is valuable. She also alerted me of some emotional healing that my dog needed, and later did some remote healing on her for me. I highly recommend Denea for a reading."
Renata, Canada
"So I just had a very lovely Psychic reading from Denea. I really enjoyed her personality, she is super down to Earth which I appreciated alot because alot of psychic's and readers are really into playing a "role" and I really appreciated her talking to me like a normal person. She covers a different variety of information from health, relationship, careers, your spiritual journey and abilities. She was able to give me more inside with an entity situation I am experiencing. I am grateful for the reading and I really enjoyed my experience with her."
Amber, Colorado
"My family and I have received amazing, intuitive and accurate readings with Denea. I am grateful for her time spent with us and knowledge shared. I will be scheduling more visits in the future! Thank you!"
Andra, CO
"I highly recommend Denea for a reading! Denea is cut from the fabric of authenticity, awareness, and perception, and stitched together with humility, love and the skills to share a deeper message. When I met with her, she immediately settles into an expanded presence that can be felt. She then listens fully and intently to what I'm asking and pretty quickly does a deep dive into the energy around the issue as well as key details."
Cambria, ID
"Denea is a gifted energy reader + interpreter, and metaphysical counselor. Her precise + detailed perspective is phenomenal - as she shared what she was sensing, the information that came through this experience allowed me to grasp both "big picture" issues, as well as nuanced patterns + cycles in my psyche. I appreciate Denea's gift in holding a safe space of light when discussing dark energies + subject matter - her calm, objective approach to these issues allowed me to find great courage + profound relief within myself as I began to acknowledge their reality + tragic influence on my mind, body, soul for the very first time in this way, and on an incredibly deep {soul} level. The safety created to do this during my session has thankfully carried over and strengthened my ability to to approach my soul work with more courage + confidence - in myself, and in the Universe. I feel so kindred to Denea - we speak each others soul language and I am amazed at how this soul connection exponentially expands the healing + spiritual growth process! Namaste, my friend <3"
Parker, Co
"Denea really helped me with a very accurate and enlightening reading. She gave guidance and clarity in a very energetic experience. She delivered information that was very difficult to absorb in a kind and grounded way. She helped me a lot. I recommend her highly!"
Amber S, Colorado
"Denea has a huge heart and always leaves you feeling loved, supported and inspired. She has an incredible gift to recognize your strengths and expresses truths needed to push you forward. Her energy is passionate and maternal with a flare for humor and grounded in a way that is refreshing for a reader. She isn't afraid to be honest and real with you, but does it with an open heart and light heartedness that makes you feel seen and heard. She has a warm presence and is always genuine and patient which I find missing in a lot of readers and human beings. Her energy will only uplift you!"
Denver, Co
"Freedom is a word that comes to mind when I thought of my readings with Denea. Freedom come to the exploration and clarity of issues in a way that liberates energy attached to those issues. Then, there is a possibility of deeper allowance to adjust course, one that aligns with greater potential, that becomes much more clear and available.”
"Denea is a wonderful intuitive healer. I found my session with her to be amazing. My favorite part was when she asked me if we could talk about my mother (who is deceased). I said yes, kind of wondering why my mother would come through- I felt we were in a good place. Denea told me what my mother wanted me to hear. I needed to hear it, even though I didn't know it! Thanks so much Denea!"
- Mary, Colorado
Nicole, Colorado
My reading with Denea was the confirmation that I needed. She is a great listener and communicator. She gave me insights into questions I didnt even know to ask. On the questions I did ask she provided helpful insights and information to help my mindset. Her readings were spot on and relevant to my life. Denea even provided suggestions of how to move through blocks. She is so kind and bubbly. She gave me such a great reading and made my day. I'd definitely go back to see her again.
Kelli, Colorado
Walking into the expo I wasn’t looking to get a reading, I came with a friend and was waiting for her to get her reading, something kept drawing me back to the same isle over and over. Not only was the conversation easy, but it was spot on. When the word mother came up I kind of braced myself knowing where it was going, but Denea helped me to understand it better. When I asked about career she hit the nail on the head! These were questions that had been on my mind for weeks, I didn’t even know that I was looking for the answers but the universe has a way of putting the answers in front of you! Since then I have been seeing things much clearer and have some mental clarity!
Monica, Colorado Springs
I recently had a session with Denea and wanted to share my beautiful experience with her.
I had been struggling with some health issues and some emotional stress along with it. I had been sick, my stomach hurt, I was extremely lethargic and chronically fatigued. I really struggled each day to accomplish anything.
I am a business owner and feeling like this day in and day out is not good when you cannot manage your business properly. I had found myself canceling sessions with clients and then simply closing out my scheduling calendar because I was not able to meet my clients needs. I was at a loss and each day that passed left me feeling heavier, with depression settling in.
As soon as Denea and I were on that phone she started right in. She immediately was able to relay what the emotional stress and upset was about and as soon as she did, the floodgates opened. But that was a good thing! She was able to help me connect the dots with the emotions from my past and where it was stemming from so I could release it and heal from it. That in and of itself was a pure gift!
Then she dove into my health issues and immediately picked up what was going on and why I was so lethargic and drained all the time. She gave me suggestions as to what I could do to start to repair my gut health and get some nutrients back into my body.
There were other things we touched on but these were the biggest for me. Just knowing what was going on gave me such relief. Most of the emotional stress was gone just from having answers and the understanding it brought with them.
It has now been a couple of weeks since our session and I am happy to say but gut health is much better and I now have energy to start taking clients again in the next week or so. I look brighter and have been taking small hikes and walking daily - all the things I was not able to do before!
I am forever grateful and feel so blessed to have been able to have this experience. I will be having another in the near future!
In Gratitude - Monica B. Colorado Springs
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