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About Denea

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I am a multifaceted Energy Reader. I use a wide variety of techniques to get my information such as my Clairvoyant abilities, channeling, Akashic readings of your past, present, future lives. I do alot of medical Intuitive work, mediumship, reading karmic relationships, reincarnational trauma, healing/understanding all traumas and where they originated from even outside of your current lifetime, better understanding karmic loops that occur behaviorally, mentally, physically and spiritually. I have the ability to help you better acknowledge your soul's journey and timeline/relationship contracts/issues throughout lifetimes and how they are still currently effecting you. I will help you better understand any unwanted attachments that you may be carrying around with you knowingly or unknowingly such as entities or the “unquiet dead”. I also lightly dabble with numerology, and astrology as well during my readings.

I use all of my abilities as needed per session for each client. My passion is to help you understand and see the bigger picture of reality. This in return becomes easier for you to cut painful and unwanted cycles, behaviors, and relationships out of your life. I have a very expanded perception of reality and how it works FOR you. I am especially good at helping you through any big life transitions or crisis points. I can help you move past current or past hardships by giving you new tools and perspectives to move forward in life with less fear and more confidence.




​Topics Denea can address in your reading


  • Past, Present and future life experiences

  • Karma and Trauma tied to other lives still to be healed and still effecting you today

  • Relationship issues with friends, family, romantic, career, etc

  • Medical issues, Ailments, Illnesses's & Diseases, Undiagnosed medical situations

  • Any big life decisions, transits or crossroads

  • Address any energetic traumas in the body and how to remove them. Stored trauma can effect you emotionally, mentally and physically

  • Soul agreements/contracts with anyone in your life

  • The bigger picture of your agreements with your children and why they chose you in this lifetime

  • Life purpose

  • Life lessons you incarnated to experience and heal

  • Guidance on your Awakening Journey 

  • Guidance on Love Life and Predictions

  • Messages from deceased loved ones

  • Animal communication in any way as well as their health issues, food requirements and any emotional and mental issues

  • Cosmic Connections especially through the Akashic Records

  • Generational Trauma, how/where it started and how to clear it

  • Addressing any entity, demonic, or unquiet dead attachments and how to clear them

And much more!


A Sneak Peek of what to expect during a reading with Denea

Denea is a multifaceted energy reader. During her psychic readings she does alot of soul retrieval through the Akashic records. She has the capability to read your soul's timeline from the past, present, and future versions of yourself. She helps you better understand trauma and karma and how to help yourself heal. She works alot with helping you understand the "cause and effect" of your personal experiences that are still effecting you today through your relationships, behaviors and life experiences. After meeting with Denea you will greatly have a better understanding of how reality works for you even in the most difficult of times. 

Denea does medical intuitive work to see if there are any issues going on inside of the body as well as giving recommendations on how to live a healthier and happier lifestyle. She will be able to see if you have any energetic trauma's or energetic blocks stored in your organs, bones, muscles, tissues, and throughout the different systems of the body, as well as how to remove them to prevent illness and disease. She helps your have a better understanding of the root causes of your disabilities. She will help you understand how this happens and how to heal yourself. 

Denea is exceptional with guidance through your awakening journey.  

Denea also has the ability to see if you have any unwanted attachments, entities, or the unquiet dead, hitchhikers or demons. She can help you understand what has attracted them to you in the first place and how to clear them. This is a very common issue with most people on the planet today. 

Communicating with animals is a qualification that Denea is very gifted at in many ways. Whether your pet is experiencing emotional, mental, or physical distress, she is incredible at getting to the bottom of any questions or concerns you may have for your furry family and friends!

Denea uses all of her abilities as needed per session for each client. Her passion is to help you understand and see the bigger picture of reality and how nothing in your life has happened by accident. Everything is so divinely and beautifully connected, everything has significant purpose. This in return becomes easier for you to cut painful and unwanted cycles, behaviors, traumas, and relationships out of your life. She has a very expanded perception of reality and is especially good at helping you through any big life transitions and sudden changes. She can help you move past current or past hardships by giving you new tools and perspectives to move forward in life with less fear and more confidence.

©2020 by Readings With Denea

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